First of all, I want to say that this is the first
time I’ve created an avatar, and it was fun to do it.
Using avatars with our students could be an
interesting way of introducing vocabulary related to the body, clothes and
accessories. I think that students would have an enjoyable time creating
avatars, and this would probably help them to remember specific vocabulary.
Avatars can also be used in a guessing game. This
would be appropriate for an oral activity. The idea is that all students
exchange their avatars, and then their classmates have to make questions while
trying to guess whose avatar the other student has chosen.
Finally, avatars may be useful for creative writing.
The teacher could provide the students with a picture of an avatar, and then
they have to write a story, paying special attention to the description of the
Here is my Avatar...
I think your avatar is really cute and your ideas to inlclude them in the class are very good as well!