viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

Case Study: Travelling through Arts

In this case, researchers have been working with trainee teachers to investigate how computer mediated communication can facilitate English language learning between children based in two different countries.
In the first year of the project, six-year old Catalan speakers were linked with peers in a Canadian school in order to work on a cross-curricular project, integrating art, social science and language learning. Children in each school researched the life of a local artist by visiting galleries. Then, each school was able to share their findings via blogs and wikis. Children were brought together to discuss the work of both local artists on a virtual world called Second Life. Here, they were encouraged by their teachers to use simple English commands to direct their virtual guide around the gallery, to inspect the exhibits and answer their questions.
Finally, both schools produced an e-book on an imaginary meeting between the two artists from each country.

We can see how the SAMR model is reflected in this case of study. From the very beginning, students were encouraged to get in touch with students from other countries. This activity couldn’t have been performed without using technology. The Modification level is really present in this case of study and this can be seen in the tools students used to perform their tasks, for example using blogs, wikis and virtual platforms.  Finally, students and teachers were able to accomplish their activities when both schools succeeded in creating an e-book, which was showcased via Glogster entitled “Travelling through Art”. This is clearly part of the Redefinition level in which the most remarkable improvements in students’ performance are made.

1 comentario:

  1. Very interesting case! I think that the most important thing is that technology is not only used to learn different topics but to get in touch with the outside of the classroom! And this fact helps students learn about other cultures!

    See you tomorrow!
    Sofía C.
