martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Speaking Skills

Speaking skills can be encouraged through different activities. We can implement some of them during the class but sometimes we don’t get all students to participate. Web tools can help us encourage speaking skills among others. The result of the work with web tools can be shared in class or not, so shy students can be tested only by the teacher with no need of their mates listening to them.

There are different web tools that can help us when it comes to speaking skills specifically.  Some of them are Brainshark, Voxopop,, Blabberize  and Woices.

Brainshark allows you to add voice to your PowerPoint presentations. Brainshark can be a good option to present the results of a research project. In the case of education, students can make a PowerPoint presentation with the most important items of their projects or activities. Finally, they can add voice to their presentations with Brainshark and share them on their blogs with their classmates.

Voxopop can help you to improve speaking skills and collaborative work. With Voxopop you can create talk groups and students, for example, can create a narrative together! First students have to create a Voxopop account and then start a talkgroup. Before students record a part of a story, they will have to listen to what their mates uploaded. can be used with Upper-Intermediate students. Here, students may be asked to create a presentation regarding their future course of studies using "". The teacher will give them some guidelines as regards what information should be included in the presentation, such as articles related to their subject, topic or activity. 

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